Terms of use

General Terms and Conditions of Use

The terms and conditions are stated below. (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is a contract between Prabesh Import Export Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “PIE”) as the website and application provider. on behalf of PIE with any user or member of PIE (hereinafter “User”) as a service user. PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY AND COMPLETE.This Agreement governs and sets out guidelines for users’ use of the Services on PIE’s websites and applications, subject to PIE’s sole policy and discretion.

  • Use of or service of PIE’s website or application is subject to the user’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement. without any changes or exclusions that differ from those set forth in this Agreement. User is not considered authorized. (whether directly or indirectly) to use or the Services on PIE’s website or application, unless the user has expressed his intent to agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement in all respects prior to commencement. use or service If the user does not accept these terms or conditions, please do not enter. or use or use the services on PIE’s website or application.
  • the user access use or service Download PIE app from any app store, post an ad, chat, communicate with buyers or sellers, subscribe, press any menu command or go to the next page on the website or app. PIE is regarded as an acceptance equivalent to Electronic signature of users This indicates the intent of the user who fully understands and agrees to comply with the terms. All terms set forth in this Agreement. and regulations in accordance with PIE’s policy in all respects, by which such intent constitutes a legally binding force and is irrevocable.
  • All PIE Website Platforms and Applications All intellectual property rights in connection with the Platform, Member Accounts, Data, Content and Services on the PIE Websites and Applications are the sole property of PIE. Users only receive limited rights. that is not limited to only one and can be revoked Intellectual property rights in relation to the content of information posted by users belong to the user or their respective licensors.

The foregoing also applies to users on behalf of or for the purposes of their employers, business entities, merchants (whether legally registered or not), in which case the user represents and warrants. that it has the legal authority to enter into any legal action or to form a binding relationship between an employer, business entity or merchant with this Agreement; of such users shall be deemed to have been authorized to act on behalf of that business entity or merchant. Such consent is legally valid and irrevocable as well.

The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be changed or added at a later time in PIE’s sole discretion without any prior notice or notice to the User. Any changes or additions to these terms and conditions shall form part of this Agreement and shall be effective immediately. This will be posted in an appropriate place within PIE’s website and/or application. It is the user’s responsibility to personally review any amendments, additions, improvements and changes to these policies, rules, terms, conditions and restrictions. User action By continuing to use or use PIE’s website and/or application services, such users agree to be fully bound by the amended or added terms and conditions.

Scope of use of PIE’s website and applications, whether in whole or in part is defined and limited to areas of use or services only within Thailand The user is responsible for providing the hardware. (PC mobile phone equipment communication devices) and software (operating systems) that can access and are compatible with PIE’s websites and applications, and the ability to connect to the Internet. The user is personally responsible for any expenses (if any).

  1. Rules of Use and Membership

    1.1 Individual user means an individual or Any legal entity or business entity, whether legally registered or not. an ordinary person or Such juristic persons or business entities may apply for (register) membership and hold only 1 (one) PIE membership account per person. The User confirms and warrants that he/she has the ability to perform legal acts and has the authority to be bound by this Agreement.                                                                                           1.2 For minors (Who is under 20 years of age) must obtain the consent of a parent or legal guardian before initiating or applying for (registering) a membership, the Website and/or the Application. PIE only, regardless of whether such use is conducive to the child’s reasonable and reasonable livelihood. In this case, between PIE and the minor or the minor’s parent or legal guardian. Minors are solely responsible. PIE is not responsible for any rights, liabilities or claims resulting from a minor’s use or actions on the Website. and/or PIE’s application, or arising out of disputes on the juvenile’s maturity against the jurisdiction to which the minor is involved;                      1.3 PIE reserves the right to set conditions and limit the areas of subscription capability and use on the website. and/or PIE’s applications are only for users and use within Thailand. PIE does not allow use on the website. and/or PIE’s application in other areas outside of Thailand which is considered an infringement of PIE                                                                                                      1.4 PIE is a registered trade name and is protected by the sole legal rights of Prabesh Import Export Co., Ltd. Users are prohibited from using or specifying PIE’s name in the member’s name or pseudonym. or information in the announcement This could lead to misunderstandings that PIE was involved either directly or indirectly.1.5 In applying for membership or any use on the PIE website and/or application, the user must provide information. Details, including user communication information, are accurate, complete, truthful and up-to-date. only belonging to their own Within the area that PIE has prepared If there is any change of information such details It is the user’s responsibility to make changes in his/her account or other matters to be accurate, complete, truthful and always up-to-date. Any liability or damage (if any) in this respect will be the sole responsibility of the user. PIE’s membership account registration process may use third-party verification technologies, including information provided by third-party social media sites, to attempt to certify users’ eligibility.1.6 Throughout the term of PIE’s membership or use of the website and/or PIE’s application, the user agrees not to do anything that is contrary to the law, morals and other requirements of PIE’s policy, including not to do anything that is a violation of rights. any of PIE or any other person or may cause damage to PIE or any other person.1.7 PIE’s membership account under this Agreement is PIE’s sole property. Users are granted limited permission to hold member accounts on their behalf only. Member Accounts cannot be jointly held, transferred, traded, or otherwise exchanged for any other party. PIE may not sell, rent, lend, license, or authorize its PIE Member Account to any other person for any reason whatsoever.1.8 Other than those set forth in this Agreement Users have other applicable legal duties and responsibilities in connection with posting, publishing, advertising products or services on PIE’s website and/or applications to PIE and other parties, settlement of disputes and disputes. Any changes in this Agreement are at PIE’s sole discretion and decision. PIE does not accept any Code of Conduct that applies in connection with the relevant services provided under this Agreement.1.9 Users are responsible for Protecting privacy or confidentiality Username and password if you know or suspect that someone else has accessed the user’s membership account. or knowing the user’s username or password without permission Users must notify or contact [email protected] immediately.1.10 Between PIE and any User or Third Party PIE has no legal and pursuant to this Agreement against any User or Third Party. in damage infringement of rights or loss of any kind as a result of or in connection with any use or service, alteration or transmission of information. any legal acts or transactions that occur between the users themselves or third parties on the website; and/or PIE’s application1.11 The user is aware that the use or dissemination of any information or details of others without authorization. not allowed or failure to comply with the rules of law regarding the posting of goods or services on the website and/or the app is an offense under applicable law and a violation of this agreement, although PIE has no obligation and responsibility to review Verify the correctness of the statutory regulations concerning user notices. ownership rights or the currentness of information and details about users and products or services posted on PIE’s website and applications. the law, confirming that PIE has nothing to do with the wrongdoing of the user. and agrees to be liable to PIE for any loss, damages, other expenses, in whole or in part, which PIE may claim.1.12 PIE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to block any login or deletion of a user’s membership account at any time for any reason. without prior notice and is considered an absolute right The user agrees not to claim any damages from PIE.1.13 PIE reserves the right to transfer PIE and PIE websites, applications or services of any kind, including PIE’s rights and obligations, accounts and data of the user. use whether in whole or in part to affiliates or third parties without prior notice or permission from the user


  1. Publication

Users must comply with the posting policies. the following strictly

2.1 The announcement of the sale of goods or services must be 1 item/type per 1 announcement and 1 category of product category only. Re-posting of the same product(s) posted more than once is prohibited.

2.2 Your use of or services on PIE’s website and application may be subject to fees or other charges for the listing of products or services in accordance with Terms and other details determined by PIE. By choosing to use such services or services, the user agrees to pay fees or charges as determined by PIE*, which may change from time to time.

*Note: PIE’s fees or service charges are determined solely by the number of PIE Eggs according to PIE’s policy.


2.3 Users who make offers or announcements to sell products or provide services Do not use information that is false, fraudulent, vague, creates or may cause damage to another person. To advertise their products or services


general prohibition

  • Do not post more than one product or service. (Type/Type) Excluding freebies in one announcement
  • It is forbidden to publish products or services that have already been posted in any one category in the same category or another category.
  • It is forbidden to use multiple user membership accounts to post the same product or service.
  • Users are prohibited from publishing goods and services of the type. “absolutely prohibited” in all cases without conditions (Details appear in Table (1) below)
  • Users are prohibited from publishing goods and services of the type. “Conditional goods and services” (some categories) which have specific rules and requirements. without having a thorough understanding of the contents before posting (Details appear in Table (2) below)

Table (1)

absolutely forbidden  Types of goods and services that are prohibited from posting without any exceptions specified in the table below.

Types of products prohibited from posting
1 Products in the form of auctions
2 first-hand goods with a sole distributor, such as Adidas brand products, DAHO bikes
3 pirated goods

*** Pirated product means a product that has been imitated or copied. Or reproduce without permission, such as IT products, apparel such as copies, brand-name bags, Grade A, copied phones, Mirror grade clothes.

4 Category Cable, Satellite box, Internet TV set-top box such as Dream Box, Open Box, HD Vision, Smart Box, android box, Apple TV box ( Do not advertise by the NBTC )
5 Serious chemical products or prohibited for sale such as insecticides, stem cell products of all kinds.
6 pledged items
7 Items prohibited by law or cultural immorality such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs of any kind, weapons, pornography, gambling devices, human parts or organs.
8 Products without the FDA, such as ready-made food without the FDA.
9 Diplomas, certificates, graduation certificates, thesis work, research
10 customer database or personal information such as name, address, telephone number, email or name in the online system
11 Car without registration book, Department of Land Transport,
registered car, invoice car, excise car (without book)
, imported car or gray market car without registration book,
car out of pledge, car with finance (without specifying finance conditions )
12 Wildlife preserved and protected wildlife of all kinds. or carcasses, whether partially or fully
13 Stocks and Securities
14 film, video
15 insignia
16 A GPS Tracker without a license for sale from the NBTC or an installation license from the Department of Land Transport.
17 Amway products (first hand)
18 All kinds of prohibited wood unprocessed Or processed, but without a license
*** Phayung wood is not allowed to advertise. all kinds of types
19 Products such as drugs, both for beauty and health


Types of services prohibited from posting
1 A network business that is in the nature of a chain sharing
2 Propaganda about working or earning money online
3 Affiliate Marketing or advertising agency for websites such as Amazon Affiliate, Lazada Affiliate.
4 Financial insurance such as loans – loans, all types of loan insurance, all types of financial services
5 Mortgage, Mortgage, Resale


Table (2)

The category of “Conditional Goods and Services” in which PIE establishes specific rules and regulations for postings that users must comply with, without any exceptions, are set forth in the table below.

Types of products with specific conditions for listing
Medical device products*** have a specific chapter (controlled goods)

Please read details in “Regulations and requirements for the announcement of the sale of medical device products”

In order for the user’s product or service announcement to be attractive, attractive, and in accordance with PIE’s policies, the information and images contained in the announcement must have the following characteristics:


  1. The contents of the announcement
  • Users must provide or use information about their products or services. or has been licensed for lawful use only. Such information must be true. and have complete details in accordance with applicable laws as well
  • The user grants PIE to PIE an unrestricted, permanent license to use your Content in connection with your use of the Services. which can be subsequently used within the limits permitted by law. You waive the right to claim, under any circumstances or for any reason, against PIE and PIE’s personnel, affiliates and assigns for use of your Content, and PIE is not liable to any third party.


Information about a product or service

  • Do not use vague text.
  • In the case of a product or service that has a free gift The user must clarify the said item in full detail.


  • Images for product or product announcements Images used must be clear and appropriate. Represents the properties or characteristics of the product directly. The description and label or license of the goods or products must be valid in accordance with the relevant laws. Do not use other people’s images or information without legal permission.


  • The price of goods or services specified in the announcement Must be net price inclusive of taxes and fees. Users are required to clearly state the value of the freebies in the notice as stipulated in the Consumer Protection Law. and/or other relevant laws

contact information

  • The user must provide the user’s contact information that is accurate, true and up-to-date. within the area that PIE has provided only


  • The user is responsible for and confirms that any information, pictures and details about the product or service (including but not limited to, any images, photographs, fonts, texts) used in postings on PIE’s website and applications are true and they are the owner of all proprietary rights and other rights. complete and receive legal protection or he or she is licensed to use PIE’s lawful
  • Users are prohibited from using or disseminating information. Images and details obtained by reproduction, reproduction, adaptation or copying, in whole or in part, without the permission of the owner. Other sources or websites other than the user’s own website In which the user is solely responsible for claims for damages related to information, images and details of goods or services by other persons who have a higher right than the user.
  • The user acknowledges that the information Images and descriptions used in postings on PIE’s website and applications are non-confidential and available for public viewing. PIE is therefore not bound by this privacy policy. or third party content and assume no responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind to any third party.
  • If PIE finds or has reason to believe that the user has violated any of the above rules or requirements, PIE reserves the right to delete the notice. suspend the announcement or amend the announcement including blocking the login and suspending the user’s member account This is the absolute right and in PIE’s sole discretion without prior notice to the user. In addition, PIE has no obligation or responsibility for the consequences or to any person from this action.
  • displaying, using or disseminating information that is false, exaggerated, deceptive, or infringes on the rights or reputation of others by the users of the postings; It is the sole action and responsibility of that user in accordance with applicable law. The user agrees that PIE is not involved in any such action or must share responsibility.
  1. Disclaimer on system and computer data

4.1 PIE’s website and applications, as well as PIE’s computer databases and related computer systems, are systems in place with specific access protection measures and measures intended for the security and safety of such systems. which are protected under the law on computer-related offenses

4.2 No one is prohibited from illegally accessing PIE’s website and applications, including computer databases and related computer systems of PIE, or suspending/delaying/obstructing the operation of such systems. or intercepting/damaging/destroying/modifying/altering/adding computer data or transmitting computer data by concealing the source. or inserting fake/false/illegal/obscene information into PIE’s computer database and related computer systems, or disclose PIE’s system protection measures.

4.3 No one is permitted to do anything that Interact or Interoperate with PIE’s computer databases and related computer systems such as downloading, uploading, posting, flagging, emailing, searching through unauthorized means. Provided by PIE or without PIE’s permission.

4.4 No one is prohibited from Robots, Phishing, Spiders, Scripts, Scrapers, Crawlers, Spamming or doing anything of the same nature. By any means, it is an unlawful and undesirable act against PIE’s computer databases and related computer systems.

4.5 No one, without the written permission of PIE, is prohibited from collecting, recording, compiling, copying, modifying, transmitting, using or having for any purpose any information, information, announcements, product and service information. User information User contact information All or part or all appearing or displayed on PIE’s website and applications, including PIE’s computer databases and other related computer systems.

4.6 Violation of the prohibition under Articles 3.2 to Article 3.5 above is considered a criminal offence. under the law on computer-related offenses It is also an act of infringement against PIE, for which PIE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to immediately restrain your conduct. without prior notice and take legal action against you absolutely without exception. You will be liable to indemnify PIE at the rate of damage per day. which is reasonably assessed at not less than 500 baht per announcement or 500 baht per user account or 50 baht per call from the server or at a rate of 500,000 baht per day, whichever is greater without regard to punitive damages and does not disqualify any other claims which PIE has, including other claims for loss, damages, and other expenses.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights Disclaimer

5.1 PIE by Prabesh Import Export  Co., Ltd. and its affiliates are the sole proprietorships or owners as follows:

  • Text, pictures, animations, sounds, data content and any and all components appearing on PIE’s website and applications and including the Software. Computer programs in PIE’s system are copyrighted works of PIE.
  • Trademark rights service mark, name, trade name, patent, know-how, domain name or other similar rights. This is an event that is protected by intellectual property laws and other relevant laws. It is PIE’s sole and legitimate intellectual property.


5.2 Unlawful reproduction, copying, plagiarism, alteration, forgery, publishing, selling, renting, possessing, retrieving, recording, transmitting or doing any act in relation to PIE’s intellectual property rights and intellectual property is prohibited. or without the official permission of PIE, or by causing damage to PIE in a criminal manner. which must be punished according to the Intellectual Property Act and other relevant laws It is also an act of infringement against PIE, for which PIE reserves the right to immediately restrain such action. and will take legal action against the violator without exception

5.3 PIE holds ownership of all copies of the Application and its contents. Even after the application and its content have been installed on a mobile phone or other similar device. The user is only licensed to use or service on the PIE application.

5.4 The User grants PIE a non-exclusive, permanent and irrevocable license. without burden and royalty including the worldwide rights and ability to use, reproduce, modify, create any derivative works from; sublicense and distribute whether partially or fully The content information in the announcement and user information related to PIE’s services, regardless of form, method or technology. either with or being known now or created after this In addition to the rights specifically granted herein User agrees to waive any moral rights or equal rights under applicable law.

5.5 Offenders against PIE are liable to indemnify PIE on the daily rate of damages. which is reasonably assessed at not less than 500 baht per announcement or 500 baht per user account or 50 baht per call from the server or at a rate of 500,000 baht per day, whichever is greater without regard to punitive damages and does not preclude other claims which PIE has, including claims for loss, damages, and other expenses.

5.6 If you are the owner of the intellectual property rights over any product or service posted on PIE’s website and application, or as their lawful representative, and you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed You can make a statement of facts specifying a list of related products or services. Along with attaching evidence of claim, send it to [email protected] for PIE’s review. PIE may cooperate in removing product or service announcements as initially notified from the system. This is done in good faith to protect the rights of the parties involved, but PIE does not guarantee the results of the operation and has no liability or obligation in doing so. Disputes and liabilities are a matter between the claimant and the user. against each other only


6.1 PIE ‘s operation is to manage the Internet Platform. By allocating an online space to be a hub for direct communication between users via PIE ‘s website and/or application in transaction of purchases or services, where sellers, product owners or service providers can announce sell goods or services and buyers can choose to view products or services that are posted and which will allow sellers and buyers to contact freely negotiate transactions between the parties without the intervention of any middleman and PIE . Therefore, PIEThere is no de facto and de facto involvement with all users in the transactions between users involved. Announcing or offering to buy or sell goods or services The provision or accuracy of information, communication negotiation Buying and selling, contracts of sale, or distribution or service between users. with no involvement in financial transactions, payments, settlements, inspections and delivery of goods. between such users in any way

6.2 PIE Relationship with Users: PIE has no legal relationship with Users either as agents, brokers, partners, employers or employees. or any other characteristics In addition to using it on PIE ‘s website and app, PIE does not recommend, invite or steer users of any party to make transactions. In addition, PIE does not have or receive any share or other benefits from the sale of goods or services, posting, negotiating, communicating. or trading transactions between users Proposal of any contractual offer from all parties

6.3 Information and details about the goods and services displayed or appearing in the notices on PIE ‘s website and applications are provided by each user who owns the goods, services and notices. PIE therefore makes no representations, warranties, and no liability or obligations to all users and third parties. Whether it’s about negotiating a deal Processing of transactions, delivery, settlement of debts, including goods and services, postings, quality, quantity, price, duration, for which the user is liable for any damage incurred between the user. and the user agrees not to demand that PIE be responsible, share the responsibility or have a legal obligation or pursuant to this Agreement. against any loss or damage incurred by the user himself or to any relevant third party in any event

6.4 For safety, PIE will use its best efforts to organize a system that meets international standards for online trading listing management business. which the said system Including providing information and assistance to users does not constitute an obligation that makes PIE jointly liable or liable on behalf of any person. PIE’s website and applications, for example, the accuracy or truthfulness of the information or details contained in the notices. Negotiating communication between users themselves before making any trading decisions or transactions.


  1. Content Disclaimer

1 Information, details or content related to goods or services posted on PIE’s website and applications, such as announcement content. Content in the public relations area It is provided by users or third parties who own the information directly. PIE only collects information. such details or content in order to organize the information content together, manage and display such information on PIE’s website and application as a central area for communication between users only, which PIE cannot Knows the accuracy, facts, details and sources of all information content. PIE also has no legal relationship with users as agents, brokers, partners, employers, employees, with users. Therefore, PIE does not warrant that. The content of information displayed on PIE’s website and application is complete, accurate and free from defects. or any particular benefit If the content of such information is inappropriate in any way or causes damage to any person It does not create any claim, liability or legal obligation against PIE.

7.2 In the event that there is a reasonable cause whether there is a notification by another person or a government official or employee, or in the event PIE finds or has reason to suspect that the user has sent or entered any content, images, animations, texts or information of any nature unlawful or moral It poses a threat to security, is dangerous, confidential, fake or false information. It is information that infringes on the rights of other people or the law. or may cause damage to PIE or other persons or is inappropriate content in any way displayed, published or appears in the chat menu. or on PIE’s website and application, PIE reserves the right to immediately delete or suspend any content in the announcement or user’s membership account. without prior notice This is the absolute right and in PIE’s sole discretion, and PIE has no obligation or responsibility whatsoever, as a result of or against any person in doing so.

3 By the User submitting or entering the content of the notices displayed or displayed on PIE’s website and application, the User agrees to permanently grant any and all non-exclusive, non-exclusive, intellectual property rights. Irrevocable in the content of such information. without any royalties and burdens to PIE to manage and make public and take any action in relation to the content of that information including the ability to use globally and grant the right to collect, store, reproduce, modify, modify, create derivative works from; sublicense give and distribute, either in part or in whole. to provide assistance to users Improvements to PIE’s security services Cooperation with government officials as notified in writing or to reasonably protect the content of such information as the holder or acquirer of intellectual property rights.

7.4 The content of notices on PIE’s website and application is provided on an as-is and as-is basis, and PIE assumes no part or obligation and liability to any user or third party. The user certifies that The user agrees to be solely responsible for the content of the notice and the potential impact on others. Any use or act in connection with any product or service announcement on PIE’s website and app, whether or not through PIE’s website and app, may be at your own risk. It is the obligation and duty of all users to exercise careful judgment regarding the information. details or contents of the notice before deciding to take any action for the safety of property and privacy


  1. Terms and conditions for using the talk menu

When the user uses or accesses the talk menu User agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of use of the talk menu. as follows strictly

8.1. Access to Chat Menu and Chat Menu Account

8.1.1 PIE reserves the right to limit the ability to use the talk menu to users who have a PIE membership account only. Once the user has registered a user account with PIE, the user can use the talk menu by: automatic

8.1.2 PIE assumes that the user accessing or using the chat menu User accepts and agrees to all terms and conditions of use of this talk menu. without exception and irrevocable

8.1.3 The User shall maintain the User’s membership account and prevent unauthorized access or use. This includes their talk menu. The user agrees and warrants that any action or conversation Any actions or actions taken by the user holding such member account without any dispute arising in the chat menu in the user’s member account are deemed to be actions or actions taken by the user holding the said member account.

8.1.4 The user agrees to grant permanent and irrevocable intellectual property rights in the content of the user account. Without any royalties and burdens, PIE can access and monitor the user’s membership account and chat menu at any time. without prior warning including granting the right to collect, store, reproduce, modify, modify, create derivative works from; sublicense give and distribute, either in part or in whole. This is done within the scope necessary to assist users. including for the provision of services and for maintenance Increase efficiency, safety and legal compliance. This may be done by PIE or an authorized representative.

8.1.5 PIE reserves the sole right to modify. You can update or add terms and conditions for using the talk menu later. This may be notified locally on PIE’s website and application. It is the user’s responsibility to check the current terms and conditions of the use of the chat menu, as such changes. User accesses or continues to operate in the talk menu. User accepts and agrees to all terms and conditions of use of this talk menu. without exception and irrevocable


8.2. Content and User Information

8.2.1 “Information” and “Content”, in addition to the relevant legal definitions. Refers to the messages, images, videos, profile information, icons, etc. that users send to PIE or that users have other PIE users view through the chat menu.

8.2.2 The user warrants that his information and content does not infringe the rights of others, whether copyright, patent, trademark rights. intellectual property rights trade secret The right to honor and human dignity right to portrait privacy rights Reputation rights and other rights, including not contrary to the law and this Agreement. and not contrary to the public order and morals of the people

8.2.3 Users are prohibited from giving or using messages to impersonate another person. To prevent other users from misunderstanding that such information is directly from another person. In the event of reference to information or content of another person Users must display such information appropriately. by identifying the true source and owner of the data

8.2.4 In the event that the user’s content or information is inaccurate or the user violates clause 2.2 above, PIE may suspend the transmission or delete such content. or close the user’s member account without prior notice and is considered an absolute right

8.2.5 PIE may store, use or share content and information in posts, chat menus, and user membership accounts. in management contact user Advertising and promotion and services for analysis Statistical and Behavioral Assessment or take legal action The user grants PIE permission to store, use or share content and information for as long as it is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes indefinitely. free of charge and not limited to area

8.2.6. PIE will not disclose content. User information or non-personally identifiable information of users in the chat menu to other parties without the user’s consent, except (1) PIE may share information collected by PIE. with affiliates or group companies which jointly provide services or third-party service providers to help offer improvements to PIE’s services as it deems appropriate, including security measures for PIE; and (ii) where disclosure is required by law. and in the case of government agencies There is a lawful request for PIE to disclose or submit a copy of the Content and User Data. PIE may disclose or provide a copy of the User Data to such entities. without having to notify or seek approval from the user in any way


8.3. Limitation of Liability

8.3.1 The user provides the content and information appearing in the chat menu by the user himself, which PIE is not affiliated with and makes no warranties. As a result, PIE assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred to users or others arising out of the use of the Chat Menu. whether directly or indirectly

8.3.2 In the event of claiming or litigation This is caused by or about the use of the user’s talk menu. The user will settle such claim at the user’s responsibility and expense. For whatever reason, PIE reserves the right not to be involved in the resolution of any such claim or dispute.


8.4. Safety in use Using PIE’s chat menu, users are prohibited from doing any of the following:

8.4.1 Acts against the law or contrary to the public order and morals of the people

8.4.2 Infringement of intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks, patents, reputation rights privacy rights and any other rights of PIE, other users or another person

8.4.3 Assign or allow another person to access the chat menu in the user’s membership account. for whatever reason

8.4.4 Post or transmit information that expresses violence, harassment, pornography or sexual content. or discrimination based on race, national origin, nationality, religion, gender, social status or contain content that is harmful to society or causing trouble to others

8.4.5 Distortion of information mislead dishonor or intentionally spreading false information

8.4.6 Use the talk menu for the purpose of sexual behavior. to exploit illegal activities Using fraud or extortion Using fraudulent methods in conducting business transactions used for crime Used to be a member of a criminal organization. or for purposes other than those specified by PIE

8.4.7 collect, disclose or provide personal information registration information or usage history unlawfully or improperly

8.4.8 Interfering with the server network or PIE’s system, or interfere with PIE’s service or other users’ use of the chat menu. or other persons such as Spamming, Scripting, or similar acts. no matter how

8.4.9 Do any other acts or activities that PIE deems as a nuisance to other users, whether through announcements, advertisements, or randomly sending harassing messages to users through the menu. “Talk to the seller” or the user’s mobile phone, either in the form of a short text message (SMS) or multimedia message (MMS) (unless specifically approved by PIE).

8.4.10 take any action that could cause PIE to be involved in a dispute or claim. or take any other action that PIE deems inappropriate.


8.5. Modifications Suspending and deactivating the       PIE Chat menu may suspend use. Block access to the talk menu. or close the user’s membership account without prior notice whether necessary or where there is a legal risk or in the event that there is or is a risk of the following events

8.5.1 There is a violation of these talk menu terms and conditions for use. including PIE’s general terms and conditions of use or the use of the talk menu for improper purposes. or has taken any action that is considered inappropriate

8.5.2 In the event that PIE is unable to contact the user Without cause from PIE, PIE reserves the right to unilaterally modify, change or cancel the talk menu service, whether in whole or in part. It may notify the user publicly or directly. PIE is not liable for damages incurred by altering, suspending, blocking access. or cancel the use of the talk menu

8.6. Assignment

8.6.1 Users are prohibited from transferring or granting rights. It is the user’s partial or full duty and responsibility to use the Chat Menu to any other party in any event.

8.6.2 PIE reserves the right to transfer the talk menu service. whether in whole or in part to a group of companies or other persons without prior notice


  1. PIE Egg Terms

The provision of services or use of certain services on the PIE Platform may be charged in the form of a “PIE Egg” basis, with varying amounts depending on the type of service. Users who wish to use paid services will be notified in advance about the number of PIE Eggs that must be paid before they can use that service.

9.1 Prerequisites for PIE Egg

  • Use of certain services, for example, to advertise certain products or services. promotion announcement Renewal service, announcements, etc. will be charged a different amount according to the methods and regulations set by PIE. Users must use PIE Egg to pay for the service according to their wishes. The amount of PIE Egg that Required to use the above services will be displayed during the service.
  • Users can purchase PIE Eggs directly from the PIE.com website or PIE app. In some cases, users may receive PIE Eggs based on special offers and other means in accordance with the rules set forth by PIE.
  • The user agrees that he cannot request a refund. or exchange any PIE Eggs that have been bought, either in whole or in part. in money or anything else for whatever reason
  • PIE Egg cannot be used for any purpose other than paying a fee for posting. and other service charges may be offered or set by PIE.
  • A subscriber can only have one PIE Egg account. The PIE Egg account will be activated immediately upon purchase or receipt of a PIE Egg and is exclusive to the membership account from which purchase or earned. Only PIE Egg is accepted, so users cannot pay with PIE Egg instead or for another member account. or transfer or manipulate PIE Egg between accounts.
  • Users themselves will exercise caution and protect their PIE Egg account. PIE is not responsible for any or all loss of PIE Egg and for any reason. Except where it is proven to be caused by PIE’s direct fault, unless otherwise provided.
  • If the user fails to comply with the law or the terms and conditions of use as set forth in this agreement The User agrees to grant PIE, in its sole discretion, to revoke and/or close the PIE Egg Account. remaining in the user’s PIE Egg account.
  • PIE Eggs are valid for 1 (one) year from the date of their last purchase or use. The User acknowledges that the number of PIE Eggs remaining in the account for more than 1 (one) year will automatically expire and PIE is not required to notify the User in advance. And the user agrees not to claim any rights or damages from PIE.
  • Rules, procedures, units and conditions in connection with PIE Egg are subject to change, amendment, additions, cancellation, in whole or in part, at PIE’s sole discretion. without prior notice Users can check the latest applicable PIE Egg rules, procedures, units and conditions on the menu. “Terms and Conditions of Use” appearing on the PIE Platform.

9.2 Buying and Paying for PIE Egg

  • Buy PIE Egg on PIE Website and Mobile Web by paying via credit card, debit card, cash card, QR Code or bank transfer as required by PIE. Some types of payments will lead users to a stable payment system. However, credit and debit card payments may be subject to fees charged in accordance with the terms of the bank or credit and debit card payment service provider. Such fees will be the responsibility of the user directly.
  • Buy PIE Egg in PIE Application, both Android and iOS operating systems by paying via In-App Purchase of Google Play or Apple / iTune, in which the user must have a Google Wallet account or Apple ID in the purchase process, and Must comply with the terms and conditions of use of Google or Apple services (the user is responsible for and must verify the accuracy of the information used in connection with the payment sent into the system. and the user has a personal legal relationship with the payment processor or Google or Apple directly)
  • PIE Egg package prices shown are inclusive of VAT. Users can request a full tax invoice. according to the steps set by PIE
  • Users may not exchange or use PIE Eggs for any purpose other than paying for services or other fees that are solely available on the PIE Platform. The number of PIE Eggs for each service differs as shown before. payment of services By clicking to pay for the service with PIE Egg, the user agrees to the service fee. However, PIE reserves the sole right to change the said amount.
  • The user cannot return the PIE Egg and the PIE Egg payment cannot be refunded under any circumstances, especially in the event that the user fails to comply with the laws and PIE’s usage policy unless otherwise stated. required by law

Payment service via QR Code (QR code)

Customers can choose to top up PIE Egg in their account via QR code without any fees* by following the steps below.

(1) Select to order PIE Egg on PIE website or app.

(2) Select a payment method by “Transfer with QR Code” and select the amount of Egg you wish to purchase.

(3) The system will display a QR code with a time limit for payment.

  • Using the website on your computer You can launch your desired bank application and scan the QR code to complete the process within the time limit. If you do not take action within the specified period. You will need to request a new QR code by pressing the “Refresh” button.
  • Using the website on a mobile phone, press “Save QR Code Image” to save the image in the photo album. before proceeding with the payment to your desired bank application. To continue to complete within the specified time. If you do not take action within the specified period. You will need to process a new QR code request by pressing the “Refresh” button . Operations and operations on the provider bank’s application are beyond PIE’s control. bank apps Please contact the service provider directly only.

(4) The system will notify you that the payment result is successful. Or is there any problem?


If you have any questions about payment services via QR Code, please contact Customer Service at 02-119-5000 (only during normal business hours) or send an email to [email protected]

*Note: Fees are subject to change according to the policy of Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited, which may come into force immediately without prior notice Please stay tuned for any such changes on the PIE website and/or application.


  1. Service and Conditions on Service Fees

The posting of certain categories of products or services may incur a “service fee” at the specified PIE Egg rate, which PIE’s system will notify the user for confirmation before agreeing to pay such charges. say All product or service listings are valid for 30 days only. However, special promotions such as Hot or Premium may have a reduced or unequal shelf life based on separate specific conditions.

  • PIE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove or suppress any postings that are inaccurate or suspected to be in violation of the law. Failure to comply with the rules and conditions of posting or the PIE usage policy.
  • Users will not be able to request a refund of any services that have been paid. Either partially or completely whether it is a one-time fee or a package This includes in the event that a post is removed or suspended from being displayed by PIE due to non-compliance with the law or PIE’s usage policy.
  • If the user’s announcement has been deleted or the announcement has been suspended. Users will not be able to demand PIE to perform or take any action. about the announcement of that item anymore.


10.1 Prerequisites


Car category and real estate category :

  • Users can post one free product or service announcement, where users can edit the information of that announcement for the duration of the announcement. In the event that the announcement is amended or published thereafter The user will be required to pay an amendment fee in accordance with the price and conditions set forth by PIE.

amulet category and auto parts and accessories category :

  • Users can post 3 free product or service announcements, where users can edit the information of that announcement for the duration of the announcement. In the event that the announcement is amended or published thereafter The user will be required to pay an amendment fee in accordance with the price and conditions set forth by PIE.

Mobile and Computer Category :

  • Users can advertise products or services free of charge. For mobile phones, tablets, other communication devices, desktop computers and notebooks, one for mobile and tablet accessories, and three for printers, scanners, and other computing devices. The user can edit the information of the announcement for the duration of the announcement. In the event that the announcement is amended or published thereafter The user will be required to pay an amendment fee in accordance with the price and conditions set forth by PIE.

KD Pay

  • By paying for the Goods through the channels provided by PIE, the Buyer can be assured that the payment for the Goods will remain in a separate account and will not be transferred to the Seller until he or she has received the Goods. Received the correct and complete products according to their confirmation given to the company More details about other terms and conditions can be found at ( Link ) .

parcel delivery service

  • With the parcel delivery service being operated by a third party service provider authorized by PIE, the terms and conditions regarding the provision of such service shall be determined by that carrier. The user should review and understand the with the terms and conditions as appearing on the service provider’s website in detail before taking any action and must accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions before starting to use the service
  • By choosing to use the courier services available on the PIE platform, the user is deemed to have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. More details can be found at ( Link ) .

10.2 Service fee

Advertising promotion service fee

  • Users can pay for promotional services with PIE Egg, depending on the type of promotion, which PIE has determined in accordance with the appropriateness and convenience of paying for the service.
  • When users use PIE Egg to pay for promotional services. The user cannot cancel or refund the payment of the promotional service under any circumstances. In the event that the user does not comply with the law and PIE’s usage policy
  • The User certifies that the User is the owner of the PIE account, as well as the owner of the credit card, debit card, bank account, payment system information. and phone number used to pay for promotional services, as the case may be or certify that the owner of the card, account, information or number has given consent to pay for promotional services and agree to the terms and conditions of this promotion Including PIE’s usage policy, in particular, agree that PIE cannot refund promotional fees. whether the claim is returned by the user or by any other owner.

KD Pay service fee

  • Payment for goods by credit and debit card will be made by a third party service provider authorized by PIE, the terms and conditions relating to the provision of such service shall be determined by that provider. They should carefully review and understand the terms and conditions as appearing on the provider’s website before taking any action and must accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions before starting to use the service.

parcel delivery service

  • With the parcel delivery service being operated by an authorized third-party service provider from PIE, terms and conditions regarding service fees or charges may apply. will be determined by that service provider which is beyond PIE’s responsibility.

10.3 Dealer package terms and conditions

  • Promo codes have an expiration date and are limited to use in certain categories of services. through the platform PIE only
  • PIE reserves the right to offer promotional codes to selected members only. Use of the code may be suspended at its discretion. without prior notice
  • In the case of renewal announcement Users can edit the announcement only ‘Title title’, ‘Price’, ‘Image’, ‘Additional details’ and ‘Telephone number’ only.
  • Other conditions are as specified by PIE.

10.4 Other terms

PIE may have other services. increase in the future Users are encouraged to review and understand the terms and conditions related to that service. before proceeding with further use.


  1. Payment and delivery services

Payment and delivery service is an additional service of PIE (the Company) for the safety and prevention of various risks in the delivery of goods and payment of goods and delivery of goods for users.


11.1 Payment for goods services

By paying for the Goods through the channels provided by PIE, the Buyer can be assured that the payment for the Goods will remain in a separate account and will not be transferred to the Seller until he or she has received the Goods. Received the correct and complete products according to their confirmation given to the company



  • User means a member or visitor to the PIE Platform, a seller of goods or services. Buyers of goods or services
  • Payment Service Provider means a third party payment service provider authorized by the Company.


General requirements

  • Buyers can choose to pay for products via the channels provided by PIE as follows:
    • credit card
    • debit card
    • bank transfer
  • Payment for goods by credit and debit card will be made by a third party service provider authorized by PIE, the terms and conditions relating to the provision of such service shall be determined by that provider. They should carefully review and understand the terms and conditions as appearing on the provider’s website before taking any action and must accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions before starting to use the service.
  • bank transfer The buyer must transfer money to the company’s bank account. according to the details of the company notice only and to confirm the payment The Buyer must submit a proof of transfer issued by the bank of his choice showing the Payment Transaction Reference Number to the Company within three (3) business days, otherwise the Buyer’s order will be forfeited. cancel
  • Unless otherwise specified in accordance with the company’s policy. or according to the regulations of the law Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it cannot change the payment method or cancel the payment.
  • Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it owns or is legally licensed to the information it provides or uses for payment. and confirm that such information is correct true and current
  • The Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any failure to pay. All loss or damage in connection with or resulting from the provision or delivery of information to the payment service provider or bank of their choice. including the deficiencies or performance of the services of the payment service providers or banks that are beyond the control of the Company.
  • The Company reserves the right to verify the truth and accuracy of the Buyer and/or the information the Buyer provides or uses in making payments. in the case of the company Found a bug or question and notify the buyer to fix it. but the Buyer fails to act within the specified time, the Company may suspend the transaction or the provision of related services without notice.
  • When the Company receives confirmation from the Buyer that the goods ordered by him/her have been received correctly and completely, the Company will transfer the money after deducting any service charges to the seller according to the payment period. of the Company

11.2 Shipping Services


  • User means a member or visitor to the PIE Platform, a seller of goods or services. Buyers of goods or services
  • Consignor or consignor means the seller of the goods or the person named as the consignee on the consignment note.
  • Consignee means a person named as the consignee on the consignment note.
  • Parcel service provider means a person who provides transportation services. (third party) authorized by the Company
  • Parcel means all packages or packages delivered to and received by a courier. for transportation under 1 waybill
  • Consignment note means a bill of lading or its equivalent in paper or electronic form related to the consignment.

General requirements

  • By choosing to use the courier services available on the PIE platform, the user is deemed to have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  • With the parcel delivery service being operated by a third party service provider authorized by PIE, the terms and conditions regarding the provision of such service shall be determined by that carrier. The user should review and understand the with the terms and conditions as appearing on the service provider’s website in detail before taking any action and must accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions before starting to use the service
  • When the seller receives a notification from PIE that an order has been placed and the purchaser has paid for the product. The seller will begin to deliver the goods to the buyer within a reasonable time. It will provide details about the delivery, including the delivery date. parcel tracking number, etc. to the buyer. Such details will be displayed in the history of trading transactions in the user’s account. for easy tracking of parcel delivery
  • Unless otherwise specified in accordance with the company’s policy. or according to the regulations of the law The courier acknowledges and agrees that if the courier has confirmed the delivery order, He cannot change the delivery method or cancel the delivery later.
  • The courier acknowledges that the courier service carries a risk. in which it accepts the burden of damage, loss, delay or inability to deliver, etc. The choice of insurance coverage that is suitable and sufficient for the delivery of the parcel will be at the sole discretion and decision of the Shipper.
  • Shipper agrees that PIE shall not be liable for any damages, expenses, cost of goods, fees, loss of revenue or profits, etc., caused or may be incurred. whether directly or indirectly Either partially or completely
  1. Privacy Policy

DF Marketplace Company Limited (“the Company/us”) and its affiliates which operates and supervises the online market platform under the name “PIE” in Thailand solely Take into account all forms of data protection measures that the Company have in their possession all according to the relevant laws

DF Marketplace Company Limited as a legal data controller Its office is located at 89 AIA Capital Center Building, 4th and 14th Floors, Ratchadaphisek Road, Din Daeng Subdistrict, Din Daeng District, Bangkok 10400.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes details about the acquisition. use/process and storage Information of members and users of the PIE Platform or their contacts or liaisons. The Company’s (“Contributors”) only, but not our affiliates, which have different business models, will have their own separate privacy policies.

Transparency is a part of the company’s business operations. and is considered important to the informant As a data subject (“you”), this Privacy Policy describes the type of information, purposes and practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure and retention of any information. Personal data that you provide through the Company’s platform while registering and using or using the services on the PIE website and application, including participating in activities or using other services of the Company;

We will collect, use, disclose and keep your information only for which you have provided or authorized the Company. To be collected, used, disclosed or kept only. unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

It is your responsibility and responsibility to read and be aware of this policy in its entirety before accessing or using the PIE website or app or providing any information to the Company for member registration. Request to use our services and activities for which you must give your consent through express intent to authorize the Company. Before the Company collects, uses, discloses and retains your information as required by this policy.

Your providing information directly through the PIE website or application or to the Company You are deemed to have understood all the details of this policy and have given your consent to the Company. To collect, use and/or disclose your personal information including but not limited to In the case of using your information for research and analysis for marketing purposes and/or contacting you to offer the Company’s products and/or services, or to publicize your offers Special benefits, advice and news, including the right to participate in special events. including retaining such information until the rights are revoked under this policy If you don’t agree or don’t agree, some or all You must suspend your use of or services on the PIE website or application, including participating in activities or using other services of the Company.

Unless otherwise stated in this policy, the Company will not disclose your personal information to any third party. unless authorized by you or in the event that the Company Must perform duties according to laws or contracts that the company relevant

If you have questions about the practices of this Privacy Policy including any concerns or complaints about your information. Please contact the Legal Department or the Company’s Data Protection Officer. by sending a letter or request via email to [email protected]

This Privacy Policy has been prepared in both Thai and English. If there is any conflict between the Thai and English version of this policy to take the English language as an important



We collect your information through:

  • PIE website, as well as other websites of affiliated companies that provide value-added services for the benefit and enhancement of usability or service to users.
  • PIE application
  • Facebook (Only for subscription and member account logins)
  • User devices (such as computers and/or mobile phones)
  • Contacting the company’s head office customer service assigned person or other channels, the company

Data type

from the above sources The information we will collect is as follows:

  • Name (optional)
  • Last name (optional)
  • Profile picture/photo (optional)
  • Email address (optional)
  • Physical address (optional)
  • phone number
  • Facebook profile (member_ID, public_profile, profile picture and email address)
  • Content or information about posting advertisements for goods or services on PIE’s platform, including descriptions, photographs, and seller contact information.
  • ID cookies
  • IP Address (IP Address)
  • geolocation
  • Details about the device used, such as model, brand
  • Content or information in chat tools available on the PIE website or application.
  • Other information, such as information about your use of the PIE website or app, voice or customer service conversations. still or moving images and any other information that is considered personal information under the Personal Data Protection Law.

Data Collection Method

We collect your information that are provided directly from you as the following details:

  • while you have given When using and/or services of PIE’s website or application and/or other websites of ancillary affiliates or when contacting Fill in the information for registration to open a member account. or maintain and update your member account information or request services on the PIE Platform. We will collect the specific information you provide in the form displayed on our Platform.
  • Use of other services that are beyond our control and not under our responsibility. Third-party service providers may collect your information. The handling of such information will be in accordance with the policies of those service providers.
  • By opting in to register a PIE member account by connecting it to your Facebook member account, we will only collect information from your Facebook member profile account that you disclose publicly in accordance with Facebook’s policies. Please note that we do not collect or receive. Know the password to your Facebook member account in our information system in any way.
  • To access (log in) your membership account through the PIE website and app, you must provide the necessary information for verification of your identity. And if there is a log out (log out), access to the service or access to your member account next time. It is always necessary to go through an identity verification process.
  • Information about the product or service, details, description of the product or service, images that the user has provided or appeared on the PIE platform.
  • Chat information or messages between users that appear in the chat menu on the PIE platform (if available).
  • Other information such as conversations or communication messages between users and the company. or customer service

In addition, we and/or our other authorized service providers collect information about your use of the PIE website and applications through cookies and other technologies as follows: :

  • When you use the PIE website or app, we automatically collect and analyze certain information. This includes specific browser identifiers, browser IP addresses and information about the operating system. Unique device identifiers (such as Apple IDFA or Android Advertising ID), geolocation and other device-specific information, Internet-related information. Including details about your transactions that occur on the PIE website and application through cookies and other specialized materials the Company provides. or a third party sent to or read from your device which will use an automated method to recognize your said device. such as web beacons (also known as clear GIFs or pixel tags) or similar technologies. To communicate via cookies to track your use of our website and/or applications. We also use web beacons with email messages to track whether you open a message. including other uses
  • The PIE website and application may contain links to other websites (“Third Party Links”) which are not under our supervision. You should carefully review the privacy policy of the website that owns the third-party link first. the presentation of third party links; It is for the convenience that our users of our services can find additional information about certain topics. The third party does not share any of your information with us. Therefore, we are not responsible for the protection of the privacy or the content of third-party websites. Either partially or completely

You may choose to set your web browser to refuse the storage of certain cookies or to provide a warning in the event that certain cookies are sent. Some browsers may be able to have similar settings in HTML5 and Flash. Additionally, you can control the advertising and analytics offered by third parties by managing, changing, or upgrading your browser. your sir or delete cookies from such systems In some cases, this may also be required through an opt-out method, which is beyond our responsibility.

For managing the privacy of your wireless communication devices. Please check your wireless device manufacturer for more detailed instructions on how to use privacy controls.

If you prevent or refuse to store cookies or local storage on our PIE Platform, it may affect the functionality of the PIE website.


Purposes for using the information we collect

we will collect Use or disclose your information only with the consent stated in the regulations of all applicable laws in the applicable jurisdiction. for the following purposes:

  • For your benefit of using or services on PIE’s website and application.
  • for the Company’s business purposes We will use and store information for processing. Analyze and improve our business This includes provisioning services and developing the PIE platform.
  • For computer security and transactions, we use or analyze information to detect potentially illegal behavior or activities in order to prevent fraud or crime.
  • To send you news about some of our business including public relations promotion Changes to Platform Policies and Marketing Communications
  • To personalize the content and offering of the services or products you find on our websites and applications over the Internet and elsewhere, in which cases we may use non-personally identifiable information. To provide services or products to you that are operated by authorized third parties. It uses automated methods of collecting information such as cookies that will track your usage on the PIE Platform.
  • for the performance of duties under the law or the order of the legal authority
  • for the performance of duties or to perform the necessary actions according to the contract that the Company have with another person or entity for as long as necessary and appropriate

Disclosure of information we collect

The company will not share your personal information with other parties. unless authorized by you except in the following cases

  • The Company may disclose your personal information in accordance with the law or the official request of a government agency.
  • The Company may disclose your personal information to employees, agents, third party service providers. Attorneys or consultants, auditors, anyone claiming to be the owner of the information you have provided to the Company.
  • The Company may disclose non-personally identifiable information about you with our affiliates. This is part of our normal business operations.

Retention period

The Company will retain information for as long as it is necessary to carry out the activities involved in this policy. or until the member account is closed or cancelled. or as required by the laws of Thailand This is usually a period of 2 years from when the member’s account is closed or deleted. which may be extended or changed the period as may be determined by relevant law. We will delete or destroy that information from our database. or make your information anonymous


Data retention

The Company takes security and protection measures in keeping your personal information in accordance with the Company’s policies and guidelines to prevent infringement of personal information. that has been updated periodically as appropriate, such as security technology systems to prevent loss Unauthorized Access or Disclosure Confidentiality measures applicable to the Company’s personnel Partners or third parties that are related to the Company


Your rights in relation to personal data

You may exercise the following rights: To protect your privacy in relation to your personal data that is under the Company’s responsibility at any time in accordance with the Company’s guidelines. or as required by law

  • Withdraw your consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information. Withdrawing your consent may affect your use of or services on the PIE website and applications, including but not limited to: Not receiving information for your benefit Please review and inquire about the implications before withdrawing your consent. For legal reasons or by order of a legal authority, the Company may continue to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information.
  • Requesting access to or disclosing the acquisition of your personal data is under the Company’s responsibility.
  • We object to the use of your personal information for marketing communications.
  • Request to amend the information to be accurate, current, complete and does not cause misunderstandings.
  • request transfers to another personal data controller by automatic or direct means (unless by technical condition this is not possible)
  • You can request to delete or destroy your information from our database.
  • request to temporarily suspend the use of your personal information during the period In the process of processing the above request.

The exercise of the above rights shall be made in writing and sent to the Company at the email address [email protected]. or send via registered mail to

Legal Department or Data Protection Officer 

Prabesh Import Export Co.,Ltd

Sethiwan Tower, Floor D11/35, Pan Road, Silom Subdistrict, Bang Rak District, Bangkok

Call (+66) 627 390 023

Fax (+66) 627 390 023

Email [email protected]

The Company will consider and complete the request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request. However, the Company will always need to conduct an audit to verify your identity first. and may refuse to exercise the aforementioned rights, or fail to perform the request for legal reasons, or may be limited by applicable law, and the Company will inform the reason for the refusal.


Updates and revisions to this policy

Prabesh Import Export Co.,Ltd reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change. Amend or delete portions of this policy at any time. Please review any changes or amendments to this Privacy Policy on the PIE website and platform, your use of or services on the PIE website or app, including participating in activities or using other services of the Company. shall continue after any change or amendment to this Policy. You are deemed to have agreed to accept all terms.

If you don’t agree or don’t agree, some or all You must suspend your use of or services on the PIE website or application, including participating in activities or using other services of the Company.